Shut up

By brad3720 - 14/04/2009 00:44 - United States

Today, I was working as a manager of the local movie theater. A six year-old came in with no parents or anyone else. When I asked him where his parents were, he looked at me and said, "Shut up white boy, I don't have to listen to your shit." I just got told by a six year-old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 566
You deserved it 7 539

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alex_vik 0

Ah, the youth of today. Yep, we're screwed.

Ouch... Kids these days and the stuff they say.


ilittlefoot 0

#111Blacks cant say "nigga" if they find "******" offensive. There is no difference, blacks say there is so they can use it and not be a hypocrite. Only difference is the 2 letters, A and ER... Its getting really old and annoying that everything is becoming a race war with blacks.

Did you call the cops or kick him out of the theater? What did you do?

spoileddd22 0

hahahahaha this made me laugh out loud this kid is pretty awesome in my opinion

burtonboard97 0

ever think maybe he wasn't six? otherwise, i don't believe this is the whole truth. Rarely do six year olds actually know how to use curse words. If this is really true, how is this an FML? Not really. Get over it. YOu now see why his parents didn't want him and let him run wild.

Karnezar 2

He probably got it from TV. My parents let my 7 year old brother watch South Park.

You should have punted his ass across the room

Time2Remission 0

You should of told him that it was a ghost in the theatre that likes to feed on little boys like him lol

at least you're white, he was probably jealous.

Oriina 0

Ahh, kids these days. My daughter's alway complaining about those younger than her-- makes me wonder just how the following generation's are going to act. Sounds like the kid has a bit of an attitude problem.