"She's a very kinky girl…"

By MB101 - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I went to sing at karaoke. I sang a romantic love ballad to him. He dedicated Rick James's "Super Freak" to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 716
You deserved it 5 501

Top comments

SApprentice 34

You should have laughed then- that's funny, and kind of cute in a dorky way. He probably enjoyed himself.

boycrazy30007 12

I know it's awkward but if the relationship works out that's gonna be one hell of a story to tell the grandkids :D


Yeah I can see the problem here, that song is totally unappropriate... Freak on a Leash is just so much better!

Faye2210 9

What's wrong with that? I would be honored if my boyfriend did that for me.

ForS3ri0usn3ss 0

maybe he just has fond memories of watching "little miss sunshine" with you. I would laugh along with it. don't be so needy for PDA.

foxtrousers 14

That song kicks ass! Unfortunate that the OP can't appreciate good music when she hears it

Sorry but karaoke is for getting drunk and having fun. He probably felt more embarrassed at your sappy song than you at his song. It takes way more balls to song a crazy song like that in public, to a girlfriend no less than a love balad. Your boyfriend rocks, enjoy it

mookiemookie01 24

Reminds me of that old TV show "The Critic"...

sailorguy 2

FHL, not yours. You're obviously someone who overanalyzes and sucks the life out of everything and will make him miserable unless he immediately leaves you for a normal person.