Scarred a generation

By nbj10 - 31/05/2013 22:42 - Singapore - Singapore

Today, my dad went snooping on my laptop, and saw that I'd recently looked up 2 Girls, 1 Cup. It was out of morbid curiosity, but he thinks I'm into "satanic porn", and confiscated every electronic device I own. Now I have to sneak to the library just to check my emails. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 267
You deserved it 15 371

Same thing different taste

Top comments

untouchable763 10

Clear History... CLEAR HISTORY!!

Plot twist: he confiscated it so he can watch the video without it showing up in his own history.


Well at least now I don't think you'll ever forget to clear your history. I couldn't even make it through that whole video!

That video destroyed my once innocent mind. e.o

Show him - one guy, one jar... Will make the other look like a box of kittens

Epikouros 31

At least that one's educational. I'll never sit on a beer bottle again. Maybe they should show it in sex ed classes.

Next time browse incognito and, to be safe, clear your browsing history afterwards. At least now you probably won't make that mistake again.

poorjudgement 26

YDI simply because you are not careful enough. Have you heard about "clear history" option? Have you heard that Mozilla has "incognito window"? If there is even slightest possibility that someone might think that they could maybe need your computer you need to make sure there is nothing to be seen that you would prefer not to be seen. I do incognito on the computers no one uses but me, just in case.

What kind of stuff do you look up that you need to use the incognito box on a computer only you use?

As he apparently already knew the website and what it's about, the shame's on him!

It's probably for the best. You gotta be on your way to hell for being interested in girls eating shit, and don't tell us you didn't know what it was about.

YDI for not deleting your history. Or using private browsing.

TVKill3r 15

Or maybe the dad should learn something about invasion of privacy? Ya know, maybe be decent?

I personally have never looked it up (he thinks that's "satanic"? wtf why?) But you really should have deleted your history. Sucks that you have an over-reactive dad, though. FYL.