
By Anonymous - 05/11/2011 01:21 - United States

Today, I was dared to walk home through a rough part of town. My rep hung in the balance, so I accepted. A kid kicked a football in my direction, so I kicked it back at him hard. It hit him in the nuts, and the next thing I know, I'm running for my life from three bald, shirtless, six-packed thugs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 805
You deserved it 37 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your "rep" won't matter when you're dead.

At least they were only chasing you, you can't outrun a bullet


YDI for caring more about your Rep than your safety.

If you are that accurate then you should play football and be a punter

KiddNYC1O 20
every1luvsboners 11

Either fall on the ground and play dead or rip off all your clothes and start break-dancing until they think that you're crazier than a shit-house rat.

ryanst 7

Another excerpt from Boner's Guide to Surviving the Ghetto.

Ah yes, when in doubt use the crazy card! Another thought for if you're ever cornered and about to get beaten up; tell them you have aids. That way they'll be too afraid to throw a punch because they won't want your blood splattering all over them while they use you as a punching bag. Of course that's only if they don't already have aids themselves. No, like Boners said, when in doubt play the crazy card!

RabidBunny 10

Your reputation may be saved but you have forsaken the only remnants of dignity you have. Dares are stupid, and the fact that you would care about something so stupid as "rep" shows that you don't have much sense in you.

All I could imagine once he said rep was a reflectively white lame-a-zoid. No one with a "rep" has to point it out...

The only rep you would get with doing major dares is bein a daredevil, so is it really worth it??

Least your rep will boost : you ran from some thugs and got away? Right?

Why would you actually do it? I couldn't care less what they call me if I said no