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By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - New Zealand - Auckland

Today, my maths class and I had to sit through a slideshow of photos of our teacher's cat. The cat's name is Mr Cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 536
You deserved it 4 235

Top comments

Probably not the most fun, but hey at least you're not doing math!


Why is these even a FML that would be amazing

"My maths class and I had to sit..." How does a maths class sit? How do you sit with a maths class? I know what the FML means. Just really oddly worded.

What, specifically, do you find odd about the wording? "Maths class," in this case, refers to the group of people, much like you would say "the sophomore class," or "the class of 2017." It's a very standard construction, although "maths" is specific to the British dialect of English.

Everything is better then math! Especially Algebra

Apparently, spelling isn't, in your case.

That honestly sounds kind of fun. I think your teacher is cool and I wouldn't mind being in a class with him :)

albinosnodragon 1

My aunt and uncle used to have a cat named Mr. Kitty.