Probably for the best

By MissKaye - 24/12/2016 16:56 - United States - Hendersonville

Today, I just found out that my sister will be bringing her boyfriend along to spend Christmas with my family. The two of them, along with my brother and his wife, make me the only single one in the family this year. Looks like I'll be spending Christmas Day with the dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 868
You deserved it 904

MissKaye tells us more.

I didn't mean to sound like I'm sulking. Just naturally the couples will stay together and have conversations that I can't relate to. This usually leaves me with no social participation and makes for a pretty boring day. I love both my sister's boyfriend and sister-in-law and don't mean to say that I wish either were gone. Also, our family has a very sweet, loving, and sadly high-maintenance dog, so it's probably for the better that I'm there to make sure he gets his medicines throughout the day. I hope that clears up the FML a little! Happy holidays!

Top comments

Ruskiy_Cherep 18

Actually, me and your dog had plans..

Dude, the dog is always the best bet. They never break your heart!!!


Dude, the dog is always the best bet. They never break your heart!!!

I'm married, but the only one in the family who is childless so I understand feeling left out. I hope your holiday is nice anyway.

<p>Every year for me. It's not so bad when you can make fun of them because they're family... That sounded better in my head.</p>

Lolarose94 2

Cherish the moments you spend with your family, have fun and enjoy their company. You can do individual activities like read a book, paint, write, work out, bake, or even watch a movie when they're having their "romantic moments" . You never know what the future holds for you in terms of love. Being with your boyfriend doesn't necessarily mean you're happy, he might end up being a total jerk. Don't rush things, enjoy being single always be grateful :) !!!

Jennipher Stillwell 11

God what a whiner. get over yourself. maybe this is why you're single.