Please don't do that

By anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I was making out with my boyfriend. He suddenly pulled away, goes, "OMNOMNOMNOM" then continued kissing me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 350
You deserved it 22 542

Top comments

That is so cute. There should be a button for "WIN" on this blog. If my boyfriend did that, I'd OMNOM him right back and feel like a lucky girl. What's not to love? :)


koco4 0

I think that's so cute. I don't understand how this is an fml when he is obviously in to you.

today my boyfriend said "omnomnomnomnom" and even though it's the cutest thing anyone can do, I cried myself to sleep and my leg is covered in cuts. fml. now you see how rediculous you are.

this reminds me so much of Jeydon Wale cuz that's what he always tweets and says. lol I don't know jeydon personally just so you people know.

niamah 11

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA that's classic. Take it with a sense of humour. You do realise it's not the worst thing in the world that can happen to you!

lovin_darkness 0

wtf? are you dating the cookie monster or something op? just wow.....

HEYHEY. the cookie monster is the shit. okay? this is seriously crap for the OPs boyfriend, because he's trying to be cute, and he has someone going "um, no." omnomnom makes me giggle, and when my bf does it, I just kiss him cause it's so cute. come on, get with the times. get into the cute semi-clichés now. (:

Seriously? This classifies as an FML? What's next? Today, I broke my nail. FML. He obviously likes you and he has a sense of humour. Take it easy, FFS! p.s. I signed up for this.