
By Shan007tjuuh - 06/03/2012 08:57 - Netherlands

Today, I got up at 4:30 am, went to my job as the newspaper guy. Nobody was there to open the door, it was raining and I was freezing. I decided to wait, because I really wanted my salary. At 6 o'clock my boss opens the door and says, "Oh, it's you. Well, you're fired. We can't pay you anymore." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 340
You deserved it 2 068

Same thing different taste


Go get some hot coco it makes the cold go away :)

Clamcreepy 7

I bet you were really looking forward to that bonus huh?

zingline89 18

Journal ittle money at least?

perdix 29

What do you mean "the newspaper guy?" Are you the one who goes out to fetch the morning paper? Usually people pretend to go to work to do work. Most all of us are only there for the paycheck, but we have the decency not to say it.

xStaciexLynnx 15

The guy who delivers the newspaper... And some people enjoy their jobs.

perdix 29

#21, if they stopped paying you, how long would you keep going in?

xStaciexLynnx 15

I work for myself so I don't know why I'd stop paying myself.

xStaciexLynnx 15

I'd be gone by 5. Or at least on the phone- you have to have the contact number of SOMEONE who works there to open up the doors.

a_lenzmeier 11

There's some kind of case that could be made here. I'm not a lawyer, so as to what can be made I'm not sure. However, if they don't owe you much, it would cost more to go to court than it's worth, so I would just cut my loses and search for a new job. Perhaps in the paper?

They can not fire you for no reason, you could take them to the labor board, and the fact that you showed up, they owe you 3 hours pay for that. At least where I'm from that's how it works.

a_lenzmeier 11

They might have a right to work law, like some states here do.

OP lives in Netherlands and they probably don't have the same labor protection laws as us.

That sucks Dude. I agree with some of the others in here, do what you have to do to collect that money, then go out and find something else. Kudos to you for doing what ever is necessary to make a buck. Treat yourself to a few mornings of sleeping in, then pull up your socks and start all over again. Good luck!

Doing what you have to do to support yourself, especially in this economy, I applaud this guy! You're a douche bag for that comment. Why don't you go get a life....

cooperd52 6