
By brazo667 - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Fort Stewart

Today, I have spent so much time watching Scooby Doo with my son that I actually used the word "Zoinks". FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 955
You deserved it 5 966

Top comments

I feel you OP Scooby-Doo is legendary! At a stage I was saying ruwoh.

It happens OP, don't think anything of it. I'm sure your son gets a kick out of it!


It's ok. at least you aren't saying LOL in public.

Well gang, it looks like its time for a break.

I don't see how that's an fml. That's a proud badge of good parenting to wear

ouijacorn 9

I liked Inspector Gadget so much I still exclaim "wowsers" from time to time

One time, I watched so many PB&J Otter episodes I used the terms "babbleberry" and "cheese and quackers!". So you're not alone, OP.

Elfkid21 19

what do you mean "fml"?? that is an amazing story and you're a great parent!! lol