Offensive people work in TV? What a surprise!

By Anonymous - 18/05/2016 14:50 - United States - Frisco

Today, a TV crew filmed my house for a real estate show. They got an actor to pretend he owned the place but wanted to move. The host kept saying how shit my house is, and while talking about me with his producer, he said, "Know how I know he ain't a fag? Fags can actually decorate." FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 934
You deserved it 1 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bait him into his bigotry again but secretly film it. Post it online and watch the viewer boycott begin of that scam for a show.

Charming. I don't miss cable one bit.


The **** is wrong with people these days?

FalloutScrolls 25

A shorter list would consist of what is NOT wrong with people these days.

Shade0000 9

I normally would tell you to speak for yourself and that I'm fabulous but, in my opinion, this is completely true.

GrapeJuice67 17

What the ****? If they had to pay you money for being allowed to film your house, which I bet they did, I would've made them pay extra. Or kicked them off my property.

Unless you signed a contract staying otherwise it may be possible for you to revoke their right to use the footage of your house for the show.

Of course he would have been required to sign a contract.

I wish you could tell us which show. I'd make sure not to watch it.

Whoa.. I hope you kicked them out.

ohsnapword 21

Step 1. Gather evidence of his remarks. Step 2. ??? Step 3: Profit.

If they did not have your permission to film in front of your house, I would have called the police to escort them off your property.

I have a hard time believing this one. You're telling me this got said to the OP and he just took it? Didn't say anyone to anything? Media would have ran with the story.

So what has you pissed? The comment that your house is shit or that your not gay.

burgermike92 17
ArbiterOfFML 24

He is rather upset at the implication that a straight man can't decorate.