
By Iwtumn - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Austria - Deutschlandsberg

Today, a guy asked me for my number. Now I deeply regret giving it to him, because he won't stop sending me Bible quotes and pictures of Jesus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 457
You deserved it 7 334

Same thing different taste

Top comments

r_bruce69 19

"No! No! God please no! no! no! noooooooooo!" -Michael scott


Eyalsh 32

send him Pictures of The flying Spaghetti Monster! he blessed us with his noodley appendeges! he boiled for our sins! seriously though, FYL.

Scheffy213 17

let him know that you don't want the messages or try ignoring him or blocking his number

so thats what they are calling it these days

Can't decide if that's worse than unsolicited dick pics...

If he's a stranger than YDI bc who the **** gives their numbers to strangers?!?!?!?

Just about everyone that goes to a club looking for love, or at least to score.

brendejafulable 41

lol are you the one sending the Jesus pics?

Jesus, that actually might be worse than dick pics. Bless your heart.

sunny354wi 8

It could've been lot worse like d**k pics you know.