Not your fault

By Steve - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Canada - Ottawa

Today, I had to explain to a customer how our hotel charged his card, even though he has never stayed with us. Apparently his wife is a regular customer. I can't help but feel like a homewrecker. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 322
You deserved it 2 385

Top comments

Llamassss 21

That's a terrible thing to have to tell someone. Almost as horrible to have it actually happen to you.

damnn . was it the guy that went to the library?


Today, I called a hotel I had never stayed at but had been charging my card. The lady had to explain to me that my wife comes here regularly. I'm now on the way to my lawyers to get divorice papers. FML.

You could say she's come there multiple times, too! ;)

How many ladies do you know called steve?

Rocky007 15

Perhaps it was a business trip.

Trisha_aus 15

I wish they would get rid of those 'that sucks' comments..really? That's why it's a ******* FML!

persianchikk 0

Lol shes pathetic for giving it up and paying for the hotel

I need someone to talk to! Comment and thumb me up if you want to talk!! ;) Btw, my colon on my phone doesn't work, so let's all pretend it's a smily face before you cue the "****" and "*****" comments! Smh...

If they want to **** up their lives, it's their business. I used to work at an upscale hotel, and that's what I always said to myself when our regulars would bring random women/men up to their rooms when everyone on the hotel staff knew their names and the names of their wives and children. People just don't care if they get caught anymore.

Hydranoid4 2

Jeeze must have been hard to explain.

perdix 29

Don't flatter yourself, you're not the home-wrecker, you're just the bearer of bad news. The good news is that you know a woman who likes your hotel is looking for sex. Sounds like an chance for you to reap one of those unspoken bennies of the otherwise dreadful hospitality industry ;) Opportunity is knocking and you have a big board full of keys! ;)