Not your fault

By Steve - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Canada - Ottawa

Today, I had to explain to a customer how our hotel charged his card, even though he has never stayed with us. Apparently his wife is a regular customer. I can't help but feel like a homewrecker. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 323
You deserved it 2 385

Top comments

Llamassss 21

That's a terrible thing to have to tell someone. Almost as horrible to have it actually happen to you.

damnn . was it the guy that went to the library?


Next time she comes in call the husband so she gets caught red handed

I think by then he will be her ex husband.

I hope so! But at least there's no way she can say nothing happened... This isn't shaggy wasn't me

MichellinMan 20

litteraly red handed. I think I'm the only one who's gonna get this joke.

desire5150 5

Lucy you have some 'splainin to do... It's not your fault OP.

Perhaps she wanted time alone? Or is that wishful thinking?

Sometimes when my parents get in a fight my mom will go to a hotel for the night, but my dad always knows where she is. I think that is wishful thinking.

It's not your fault if the wife is dumb enough to use his card.

Not your fault OP he deserved to know so he can find someone better and not a *****.:/

chels1994 11

It's not your fault, OP.. you were simply doing your job

hateevryone 14

Him and his wife need to have a talk apparently.

You're not the one effin' the b's v. It's okay, OP. :3

OP, don't feel guilty. It's her fault she can't keep her legs closed. You were doing him a favor