Next step

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, after my son graduated from nursing school which I, as a single parent, paid for with blood, sweat, and tears, during his grad party he was asked what his next step was. His response was, "Eh, I kinda realized I hate nursing." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 911
You deserved it 3 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he finished. I'm a nurse and knew a few who quit half way through. He's always got it if he changed his mind later.

He should have known at least half way through is courses that he didn't want to be a nurse.


At least he can use his nursing degree as a stepping stone to something else - nurse practitioner, certified registered nurse anesthetist, ****... The possibilities are endless!

How can you use a nursing degree for ****?

stacianichole 2

How CAN'T you use a nursing degree for ****?


Good thing Gaylord Focker dropped out now, male nurses are gay! Hi-five on saving his rep before it was too late!

AntoshaChekhonte 6

Wow. Judging from the comments here, I can see why he'd hate it. Maybe it's not the job itself and the stigma associated with male nurses. How many "murse" comments can one put up with before they get sick of it?

There are some outstanding nurses who are always willing to help, and some obnoxious nurses who seem to drag through their job because they have to. I can't recall a single male nurse who was the latter. For the record, the male nurses I see and work with are some of the best.

Maybe he didn't want to tell you and disappoint you while he was doing the course.

candicurl 9

He doesn't have to do traditional hospital nursing. That's the nice thing about being a nurse. He could be a school nurse, an army nurse, a prison nurse, be one of those people who gives out shots at Walmart, ect. But if he hates it he hates it. :C

"Well son, here's the bill for your tuition and all related expenses. We can work out a re-payment schedule, to which I am going to hold you accountable. I certainly hope that McDonald's pays enough for you to repay me." DON'T HESITATE - MAKE THE PRICK PAY YOU BACK!

jadee000 0

I truly hope your son is kidding about "kinda" hating nursing. I used to volunteer in a small-town hospital ER and I've seen first-hand how much shit nurses have to deal with: Long-ass shifts, difficult and ungrateful patients/family, and overbearing administration. Nurses have to love what they're doing because they get paid crap. Tl;dr this is a major FYL and I empathize with you.