
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, life gave me lemons, delivering them straight to my nuts via my neighbor's tennis ball shooter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 108
You deserved it 2 822

Top comments


Now make some lemonade, and drown your neighbour in it.

Looks like you won't be making lemonade for a while, huh?

FMS23 0

Teepee his house Before it rains. Its a pain to try to get toliet paper out of grass bushes and off a roof after it's all wet and soggy!

bubo_fml 10

Imagine the lemon you'd get if you turned around, bent over & picked up the 1st lemon...You'd feel a lil' "fruity" wouldn't ya!?

When your life gives you lemons, you FIND A NEW LIFE.

jerico616 14

Why the Hell does your neighbor have a tennis ball launcher?? It's not like that is a "common" piece of sport equipment to just have laying around!

perdix 29

A dedicated tennis player with money can own their own personal ball machine. And, yes, it can launch just about anything that is about 2-1/4" in diameter. I doubt that shooting objects other than tennis balls is good for the machine, but it sounds like the owner has more money than sense (and great aim!)

duckman9 55

You don't have nuts anymore, you've got lemons. Now at least they match the lukewam lemonade coming out of the tap next to them.