
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out that my husband never wanted to marry me, he only did because I wouldn't quit pestering him to propose to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 264
You deserved it 57 437

Top comments

shalizzz 0

And you thought it was ok for you to keep nagging him to propose to you while you were dating? Ugh! I know women like that.....the kind who believe that having a wedding ring on their finger is some sort of a life accomplishment so they keep hinting their boyfriends that they should get married.......they annoy me so much! How about having a bit of respect for yourself and value yourself as a woman, not as someone's wife! YDI.


Well, it's your husband's fault that he didn't have the guts to be honest with you and make his own decisions, but it's also your fault for pressuring him.

u stupid ******* BITCH I HOPE U ******* DIE!!!

It's both of your pushed and he gave in. It's not complicated. I'm not saying you're not stupid for doing pressuring him, but it's not true that he's the victim. Let's give credit where credit's due.

he had an option...he could have gotten out of it. i'm not excusing her for being a dumbass, but don't make it sound like he was trapped.

I don't think this is true. Either you're lying, or your husband is. As if any man would sign up to a lifetime with a person just because she nagged him to. He could have just as easily broken up with you, but no, he decided to marry you... I think that says something.

I_Own_Ubers 0

YDI for be an annoying bitch and pressuring him into it

You're a dumbass ..Your husbands a dumbass. You deserve each other!.

How is this an fml? I'm sure there are plenty of women who would love to have a husband as submissive as yours. Now tell him to make YOU a sandwich!

YDI for being an annoying bitch. If you want to marry someone then propose to them, and don't come crying to people on the internet looking for sympathy just because some poor guy said he did what you told him to.