My new best friend

By froggylicious - 16/08/2011 18:18 - Canada

Today, I woke up exhausted because a croaking frog had kept me awake the night before. This has happened every night for the past week, and no matter how far away I take the frog, it always ends up sitting in the same place the next morning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 020
You deserved it 5 751

Same thing different taste

Top comments


perdix 29

Ear plugs -- duh! Assuming you have the balls to crush down those little foam cylinders without wimping out.

Awake all night but woke up exhausted. Damn, i wish i could do that. Insomnia won't let me

CreamyGoodness_1 7

i guess your going to have to move...

schriverstacy 0

Just kill the little bastard.

catharsis5 9

Maybe if you kiss the frog, it would turn into a prince. JK. Either way, I think it likes you and ever think of sleeping in another room?

jadejazmyn 5

kill it. break its legs and cook them in a lemon butter sauce . bon appetite lol

uridea 14