
By misc - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boyfriend of 8 months dumped me over the phone in between telling the Subway employees what he wanted on his sandwich. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 738
You deserved it 3 551

Top comments

greenltrn2003 0

lmfao I can imagine how this convo would go... "Uhhh know what, hold on...(on italian please) you know what? I dont think we're gonna work out (" haha

Poke_my_mon 0

Well, unless he was ordering a sweet onion chicken teriyaki, I'm sure you came away the winner.


lydiacoolness 0

that sucks but i still LARFed

How do u know he was in Subway? Did u hear anyone speaking broken English in the background? Oh btw, maybe he would've done it face-to-face if u got up every once in a while to make him a sandwich.

Levixxrock 0

this wouldnt of had happened of you got him his sandwich.

thatSucks7 0

either you picked a douchbag of a boyfriend, or he got sick of your incesant bitching. Either way, it's your fault.

helloworldof99 0

Ya and he was on too

maybe he wanted to eat something fresh unlike you

hijueputa 0

after this whole thing she is going to be on:

Haha I dunno but you just seem like such a tragic person for some reason.