
By nothungry - 29/07/2009 00:47 - United States

Today, after four years of anorexia and lots of recovery, my parents took me out to dinner with my counselor and whole family to celebrate my progress. I ended up eating something that made me vomit everything I ate. My parents now think I am bulmic and are sending me back to counseling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 360
You deserved it 5 148

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OppositesAttract_fml 0

Oh wow. That really sucks. :( I'm sure they'll realize that they're wrong soon, even if they don't believe you when you tell them the truth. Congrats on the recovery, at least. :D

ah tell me about it,... everytime im not hungry for dinner i have to go back to counselling. such a pain in the ass


This is for the OP: You have no idea how strong you are, I am a recovered anorexic, and I'd just like to share with you that it takes so much courage to recover from anorexia, which you have. You are truly an inspiration to those still recovering. Just remember to keep fighting with all your might.

YDI. Consider it your body saying "**** you too, buddy." after four years of terrible treatment. Congrats on your recovery though.

I'm recovered from eating disorders too, you're strong, I send my love.

anorexia is slightly like cutting... once you start its hard to stop. like REALLY hard. CongratsOP you are an inspiration (even though your parents got a little too protective, just take it easy and dont eat heavy foods). i use to cut myself and it became an addiction. sort of like not eating. it became a need more than a want. so for all of you idiots saying YDI, you have NO idea what the OP whent through!!! even i dont really know how hard it was for the OP i can only immagine....

SomeGuy1234 0

Hm... Anorexia, i'm sure all the starving people in africa would like to have a word with you. And yes it's just like cutting yourself, you deserve zero simpathy.

letitbe56 0

Those who are in recovery from an eating disorder (or self-injury as the case may be): Don't listen to people like this SomeGuy1234. They don't understand that it's not caused by vanity, that there are a variety of biological (including genetic), sociocultural, psychological and family-related factors that contribute to these diseases. Overcoming them is HARD and you deserve to be commended for the progress you've made.

Thanks letitbe :) I'm not recovered from my anorexia yet -the weight-gain part is done, but the mind part.. not so much unfortunately- and I used to get upset and angry by people like this, but nowadays I can just laugh about their ignorance.

ajhbrowneyedgirl 0

i cant. it just makes me wanna punch them. anorexia is so hard...

YOU SHOULDN'T EAT THAT MUCH! When you eat nothing, or next-to-nothing, your stomach will eventually get smaller and smaller, (i believe) and so when you eat too much you can get very sick, or even die! O_O Don't they tell you that during recovery?

redblueviolet 0

Congrats on recovering from anorexia! I can't imagine how hard that would be. You definitely have strength. Hopefully your parents will see the truth when you eat and don't throw up afterwards. They must be really freaked now, though...

I have to say that I'm surprised (in a really good way!) by most of the comments on this FML. When I read it the first time I was expecting a lot more comments like 'YDI for being an attention *****' and shit like that. I'm glad that most comments a really nice and almost every one of them includes a congratulation to the OP. :)

littlebrittle77 0

anorexia and bulemia are two made up disorders so don't feel bad

ClaireXX 0

yeah right. I used to make myself throw up several times a week and my symptoms matched the criteria for bulimia. I know several people that matched the criteria for anorexia. Even if they were made up, how does that make things better???

Yes, because it is totally possible to... I don't know... DIE from a made-up disorder.

freakaroo 0