Missed cues

By Kylene - 23/04/2009 19:51 - United States

Today, I had an interview for a job in a professor's lab. He seemed like a really nice, grandfatherly old guy. We got up to go take a look around the lab, and he held out his arms really wide to me… so I went in for a hug. Turns out he was just gesturing for me to go through the door first. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 780
You deserved it 52 858

Same thing different taste

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And to all you boring turds saying "this is why I don't hug people" or "this is why I don't hug without clearing it verbally first" - you should think about this. Did the OP really lose something irreplaceable by hugging someone - or *gasp* having an awkward moment? Not really. If you loosen up a bit and live life more, you will find you enjoy it more. To go skulking around scared to even hug someone in case it ends up "embarassing" you - how sadly pathetic...

This would have been more of an FML if you had been felt up by him instead.

LOL GOD THAT IS SO AWKWARD. I sympathize, though. Yeah, generally, you shouldn't ever hug professors, but some of them are so nice and friendly that an ambigous motion or comment can be misinterpreted. I had a professor once who was very open to talking to students about their lives and problems. She LOVED me and wanted to be my mentor and everything, and we would have long email conversations back and forth. So I decided to confide in her a personal issue I had been struggling with, and things just got REALLY awkward and I felt so embarrassed by it that I just completely stopped talking to her.

As awkward as it is, it's really adorable :)

OMG...even if the interviewer is your mother, you still should not hug during and interview.

Can't hate on a hug. Who gets angry about that? Sounds like an uncomfortable moment though. Even more so if afterwards you tried to explain why you went in for a hug. I'm guessin' you get the job, just not the job you were interviewed for (if ya know what I'm sayin)

skierguy 0

Wow, that would be so embarrassing.