
By lilshoobydoo14 - 15/10/2010 04:18 - United States

Today, I met a guy that I liked. We really hit it off, that is until his parents walked by and he started begging them, down on his hands and knees, to buy him a new video game. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 491
You deserved it 4 333

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, on the plus point at least you know how to make him do whatever you want now. Just buy him a game, then let him play when he is good.. and take it away from him when he is bad, disobeys you, or if he fails to pleasure you. ;-)


im more mature than tht.... and I'm a freshman... in high school

Cyosaric 0

I'm a Freshman. But I dnt tlk lyl dis.

It's "lyk." You misspelled the misspelling. :-P.

MysteryGuitarMan 32

I hope he is beggin' for call of duty blackops haha , no i dont know how old he is , if he is like 16/17 than oke, its a little bit weird but hey, you want the game, but if he is like 20 then its more like ''buy that game for yourself you son of a mother duck!''

MysterGuitarMan, please raise creativity level of post on FML. It's a dog eat dog world on this forum... Also when it come to a choice between girl and game, girl wins for anyone 15 and up ( I hope). Black Ops is still a cool game though.

_Vamp_ 9

Glad to see we have such a creative person on FML. I enjoy every one of your videos man.

Pikminfan1996v 0

Hi MGM :3. I like your music. You and RWJ should do a music of some type. :D Your awesome!

lol it's not okay anyway if ur begging or ur knees....for a game.maybe if you were 5...other than that, you should play less games

My ex fiance had been living with me for six months we couldn afford xbox live so he begged his mom to pay for it when she wouldnt do it he called off the wedding and moved out he said if he had to choose he chose xbox live So OP at least you found out before you wasted any time on him

Xavi89 0

yeah what's your point? video games are cool.

Oh and were both 23 yrs old by the way so OP you could have it way worse

Please mommie if you dont buy me halo how can i jerk to Cortana please

he probably wants to play with shurrikens in the new game naruto. lmao!

zombehunter 2
EvilDave 13

WTF? Begging on his hands and knees, in public, for a video games? What has happened to people, men, and boys in this age? OP, I can only hope you did him and the world a favor and snapped his neck.