Main character syndrome

By birthday_loser - 23/01/2013 19:33 - United States - Newport News

Today, I was upset because my brother, who I'm very close to, didn't call me for my birthday yesterday. I told my mom about it, and we both immediately went silent on the phone, as we both realized she forgot to call me yesterday as well. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 440
You deserved it 3 762

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dblocker 18

I never really understood why people made such a big deal about birthdays, maybe it's just me.

Karalela44 15

Well...happy belated birthday, OP


What's a birthday, anyway? To me, it's just means I'm another year older! When you pass 50, birthdays are just another year you didn't die!

watsinausername 13

Make sure they are on your Facebook and have your DOB public.

If your were very close to your brother how would he forget?

KiddNYC1O 20

how old are you......... 5? time to grow up and worry about more important things.

epilepticloh 20

happy belated bday!!!!!!! btw umm Wats op?

perdix 29

Hey, yesterday was my birthday, too! Happy birthday to us! My sister didn't call but my gift from her arrived a few days ago and it's cool. My brother did call but he still hasn't sent out my gift. What are you gonna do? One thing I do know: Don't tattle on your siblings!