Magic is real, OK?

By yummolives - 26/08/2009 20:31 - United States

Today, my little sister received a fairy costume from my aunt. She put it on and waved her wand at me. She said, "Abracadabra, bibbity poo. I wish Sydney was pretty." When I did nothing, she put her hands on her hips and said, "Can't you just act pretty?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 332
You deserved it 5 476

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can ACT pretty? I wish someone would have told me that sooner. I guess I should walk around "acting pretty", and I'll steal all the guys away from the really pretty girls. Suh-weet!

Damnnnnnnn. That sucks. Your sister is hilarious. If that was done to me, though, that would probably make me want to tear up. FYL.


i_is_a_tr00l 0
OMGyoudidnot87 0

awwwww! And you know what?! I bet you are pretty! lol... she's the "ugly" one... lol

tony8pie 0

Your little sister needs a little smack in the face!

I'm kinda sick of all these FMLs about people thinking someone is fat, or ugly. Build a bridge and get over it. I mean, the first few times on this site that I read these, it was KINDA funny, but only because the little kids are like witty or whatever. But now it's just getting old.

Stab her to death or something. What is it you want us to say anyway? "You're probably gorgeous! *brown-nosebrown-nose*" Because it isn't going to happen.

sydney is a gay name for 1...and are ******* ugly! stop being ugly! if little kids are telling you that you are ugly then you KNOW you are for sure! haha

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