Long road ahead

By coloradoman - 30/11/2009 06:34 - United States

Today, while I was flying on American Airlines back from visiting family, a newborn puked its breakfast all over my HP mini, knocked my orange juice into my lap, then coughed up another layer on top of it all. I couldn't change my pants because of we were about to experience turbulence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 572
You deserved it 3 117

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sooverit01 0

Newborns can't move around a whole lot...how did it manage to puke on you, knock over your drink and cough up onto you without the mum moving it away? Generally in my experience, newborns just tend to puke all over themselves.

FYL. You should have forced the parent to pay for it. Child or not, that laptop is gone. Childish innocence can not pay for a destroyed computer.


I'm calling fake on this. I've flown with my infant and anytime she spit-up it either landed on me or herself. Babies either have to be held by their parent/guardian or in their own seat strapped into a carseat. There's no way that would happen, unless the mom held the baby directly over your laptop.

Wow, some of you guys don't realize that young children and infants do something called "Projectile Vomiting." Plus, there isn't that much distance to the seat next to you on an airplane. I call shenanigans on all the fake claims.

Agreed. Eight month old and older babies like to crawl all over everything. I can easily see it standing up on the mom/dad's lap, leaning over, and then bam it's done. And while some airplanes do have the bassinets in the front row, they could have gotten filled up or this type of plane just didn't have them.

Infants projectile vomiting rarely happens, and when it does, it usually means there is something seriously wrong with the child and it warrants a trip to the ER. And there are plenty of warning signs before the vomiting, so I seriously doubt that the baby projectiled.

domo2fr3sh 0

what was the point in you telling us you were flying American Airlines...you just set yourself up for some douche to say "YDI for flying w/ American Airline."...& I hate when people say YDI for stupid ass reasons.

Inked2009 0

Fake, who refers to their child as "it"

If it was your kid, then you now learned to not have the kid around expensive electronics. Be happy it was YOUR lappy and not the laptop of some sue-happy person who may want you to pay for the cost of the lost data or work-time, I'm addition to the price of the computer. If it was someone else's kid, get their info. They are responsible for the damage to your hardware.

Maybe he is sue-happy. I'll go check if he won the case on MMD or whatever the crap that other website is.

If you don't force the parents reimburse you, then YDI.

Ouch. Well, be sure to drag it out of the parents since it sure as hell wasn't the airline's fault (they have legal protection against that kind of stuff anyway). Of course, if someone was feeding their little ankle-biter right by you, why on Earth did you take your laptop out anyway? That's pretty foolish. On the other hand, FYL for getting the little crumb-snatcher's mess on your personage. That blows.

1. Newborns are usually swaddled to keep them warm, therfore it probobly wouldn't have knocked the juice over unless the mother grabbed it by the feet and used it like a rounders bat. 2. Why would the baby's mother bring a new-born onto a flight that's bound to experience turbulance? It's not like she can strap it into the seatbelt like an older child.

Seriously, except for a few (really really rare) exceptions people should just not take babies or any of their kids who aren't old enough to keep quiet on planes. It's so inconsiderate, especially on long flights! It's bad enough when their kids won't stop making noise, but this takes disturbance to a new level. FYL indeed.

So if I want to take my four month old to visit our relatives I should not be allowed because it's "inconsiderate". Well, I find the mouth breathers, farters, snorers, obese people who invade my seat space etc. inconsiderate so they shouldn't be allowed to fly either.

well, yeah, actually. unless one of your relatives is dying or something and you're never going to be able to see them again, i think having them see the baby can wait. maybe they can fly to you, or you can drive if it's not too far away. and the other examples you mentioned aren't as disturbing as a noisy baby, particularly when you take into account the effects on everyone on the plane.

You're joking right? A person, especially a child, should only be able to see a relative if they are dying because there is a small percentage of people who don't like flying with babies? You're a ******* idiot. And for the record I live ~5000kms away from all of my relatives. They all live in Charlottetown and I live in Calgary. It's ten times easier for my daughter, hubby and I to fly to see them, especially since she has great-grandparents who are over 70, who really can't fly. And if you can't handle the 10-20 minutes that a baby usually cries while flying, then you probably shouldn't be out and about in society. And yes, anytime I have ever flown, whether it was my child or not, the most I usually heard crying for was 5-10 minutes during take-off and 5-10 minutes during landing, because it hurts their ears. And every once in a while a baby would cry for maybe 20 seconds because they were hungry and waiting to be fed. I'm going to fly my kid to see her relatives any time I want. So if you don't ******* like it, tough titty. Either don't fly or bring some headphones along, because no airline is going to 'ban' babies from flying. It's bad PR for them and they aren't as stupid as you are. And yes those examples I just listed have just as much affect on the other passengers. Have you ever been on a plane when someone has farted? It quickly fills the whole cabin and lingers for quite some time. And I have been on many late-night flights where someone has been snoring so loudly that it can be heard throughout the whole plane. But you know what I did? I turned on my iPod or I plugged my headphones into the tv and tune it out. Like any normal person would.

i never said anything about airlines banning them...i agree thats bad pr. just that parents should think twice before bringing their babies along. as i said before, there are some instances where i can understand its necessary to bring a baby. hearing your situation, i can understand where you're coming from...i didnt literally mean only if they're dying. that said, i still think a lot of parents are taking their babies along when it's really not necessary and that's inconsiderate. maybe you haven't been on a flight where kids are screaming the entire time. well, lucky you. and before you call me someone that "shouldn't be out and about in society" and "stupid," think about the fact that im actually considering and responding to your side of the story as well as refraining from using curse words and attacking your character.

I honestly thought that was what you were implying, ban babies. My apologies on that. And it also seemed as though you really meant the whole 'only seeing relatives when they are dying'. But I am going to pretty much guarantee you that no parent(s) would unnecessarily fly with an infant. It's stressful enough without the added stresses of complainers. I can only think of a few instances where it would be unnecessary for a person to fly with their children (business trip, romantic getaway, etc) in which case they wouldn't be flying with them. Feel free to add more if you think of them. And sorry for being an ogre. This subject is a little touchy for me. The last time I flew with my daughter a man walked by our aisle with his wife and loudly proclaimed 'Great, just our ******* luck. We're stuck on a flight with an annoying baby.' He's lucky his wife hit him and told him to shut up or I would have said something, considering my daughter was not even a month old and was sleeping when he walked by. She also slept for the almost the whole seven hour flight. She was only ever awake long enough to eat. In my opinion that was much ruder than someone flying with their child. Even if the child is a tad unruly during the flight.

Wait... is ruder even a word? My bad if it's not. I just wanted to also add that babies cry when they need something.. it's their only form of communication for the first little while. But a parent just ignoring their child's bad behaviour is a completely different thing and something that would get on even my nerves.

Thanks for your apologies...reading some of your other comments I can see that this is something you feel strongly about. I do see where you're coming from and I appreciate that you've reconsidered my place in society :P. Rereading my initial comments I apologize back because it came off much more strongly worded than I intended, probably because a) I tend to dramatize what I say online anyway and b) i commented right after i'd come back from a flight with a screaming child kicking my seat and a parent that only made the situation worse by yelling back at her...which as you've pointed out is often what makes the situation rude. I saw this FML and felt like I could vent. My extending the situation I encountered to all parents and situations was a huge generalization and not fair. So I'm sorry. To summarize: I never think it's the baby's fault, it's just not fair when parents don't make an effort to calm their kids down/tend to their needs in a good way (i.e. not just screaming back at their kids) because situations like the one I experienced are pretty rude to the other passengers. I do think if it's possible for parents with babies or small children not to travel on planes then they shouldn't just because children that age usually are more difficult to "read" and calm down but your point that most parents wouldn't fly with small children unnecessarily makes sense. Personally, when I was little we never flew to see any relatives that didn't live super close by (and my parents do the same thing now with my little sister), but thinking about it more I guess that's a matter of how important extended family is to you.

Hey, I've been on flights in which said baby has cried for the ENTIRE flight -- and the parents didnt do anything. It's not the problem to allow a baby to go on a plane, but if it can't be controlled then it really shouldn't be allowed on.