By notfunny - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I finally confessed my feelings to my long time crush. He was the only one I've been able to muster up the courage to open up to. He replied, "lmao" and hasn't texted back since. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 463
You deserved it 6 792

Top comments

don't ever confess your love over texting!!! that's like breaking up over texting. what next, a note? "do you like me? check yes or no"

peff_fml 6

sounds like what would happen to me


breakaleg 0

I just did that to someone /: , its kinda hard for the person getting the text too because you dont know whether to take them seriously or not...

It's ok. There are always a few bumps along the way, just get back up and try again.

GhostDuck 30

That does suck, but a text, really? =___='

You sent him a text? Really? That's not a true confession of emotions. Try again

And that's why you don't text that kind of thing.

He's a douche, but how about not confessing your "deep feelings" via text?

you people who insist on spilling your guts to your crushes get what you deserve.