It's all downhill from here

By hifhfan - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Oxford

Today, I entered my late twenties. My hair's falling out and I'm putting on weight at light speed. At least I can keep my youthful appearance with the acne I still suffer from. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 435
You deserved it 5 173

Top comments

Don't stress over it man. It'll only make it worse. If needed consult with a dermatologist

Only goes downhill from here! **** your life and everyone else's!


Witch hazel - Gods gift to man. Use it.

Awww, I am sorry. :( Happy birthday, though!<3

When an object approaches light speed, its mass become infinite. Perhaps if you slow down you will lose mass.

See a doctor. That sounds like a thyroid problem!

tehdarkness 21

Eat whole and exercise. Relax and enjoy life.

Eat whole what? A whole apple? A whole cow? The whole menu at KFC?

tehdarkness 21

Whole foods not processed crap!

Sounds like maybe you have some dietary and hormonal issues. Consult a doctor, see a nutritionist, and get your ass to the gym. Sounds like you could use a boost in your self esteem.

I mean the hair falling out isn't really your fault. But you can do something about your weight, possibly your acne. You probably eat a lot of greasy foods and that definitely isn't going to help. I swear I'm not being a dick... I've had weight problems, you just have to try and take care of yourself.

Axel5238 29

Depends on why your hair is falling out. Stress and a bad diet could be part to blame if that is that the case. Most don't consider it. As the weight goes, watch what you eat. You don't have a fast metabolism and most don't by late 20's. You gotta watch what you eat and get some regular exercise.

Shave your head and grow a beard, jk man do what ever you want but keep in mind looks aren't everything