Is this a job interview?

By devdevdev - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - Brazil - Santa Maria

Today, I went on a date with this girl. Turns out she's a software developer too. Our date became a technical discussion. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 884
You deserved it 12 340

Top comments

MzZombicidal 36

At least you two have something in common! It could have just been a super awkward, quiet date!

Wizardo 33

That was just C++ for 'she wants the (D:)'


i really dont see the problem found someone you have a lot in common with, which most people would be happy about.

I hope you two are compatible and she doesn't give you a virus.

Why's that bad? Dates are supposed to help you get to know the person.

Don't see how that is wrong on any level....its a win-win situation?

catanita 18

And why this is a bad thing? From my opinion this is a very good thing as long as you like each other.

So, what's wrong with that? I would see it as a good thing.

sounds like a perfect date to me :p I'm not being sarcastic at all, that's awesome

What's wrong with that? at least it wasn't akward trying to think of something to talk about. Maybe it will lead to a second date!

At least you found someone with the same common interests as you.