I get around

By Permafucked - 12/05/2009 14:23 - United States

Today, not wanting to be known as a lightweight anymore, I started drinking with some guy friends. After one beer, I ended up in bed with one of them, who kindly put my bra back on for me after, as I was too sloshed. I'm no longer known as lightweight, but instead, the slutty drunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 097
You deserved it 86 186

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zanyone 0

so is one beer the most you have ever drank? sounds like a date rape drug to me.

MyNameIsAudrey 0

I've heard of a four beer queer but that is just ridiculous.


At least you will get invited out alot now. That's worth selling your dignity isn't it?

a1mostevi1 0

yay... everyone loves the slutty drunk!

I agree with #10. You're probably just a **** that pretends to be drunk. And these guys don't sound like your friends. Actually, this just sounds like lots of fabricated pieces to a different story.

Loe_307 0

This isn't an FML. You achieved your goal. Congrats!!

If I had to choose between a slutty drunk, a bitchy drunk, and a crying drunk, I always prefer the slutty drunk. Even if they don't get naked and freaky at least we all have more fun.

shinyred 0

Who gets that wasted after one beer? You obviously have been drinking before if you are known as the lightweight. So sorry, unless you were drugged I don't really believe this.

monicamischief 0

THIS FML IS BULLSHIT. no one, NO ONE is drunk after one beer. i don't care how petite you are. i'm petite and i can down a whole BOTTLE of whine and feel fine. what the hell. ONE BEER? i dont' think so

lmaoo at #16! but yea wtf is up with one beer? that is lightweight to the extreme! and its not really a FML??? its just stupid to be honest.

1 beer and you were wasted? that's not lightweight, that's like.... sooooooo much worse!!

1 beer and you were wasted? that's not lightweight, that's like.... sooooooo much worse!!