By babysitter - 24/06/2010 21:38 - United States

Today, I was twenty minutes into babysitting my twin baby cousins when I realized that there are no diapers to be found anywhere in the house. I have no way to get a hold of my aunt, no money to buy new diapers, and I don't even have a way to get to the store in the first place. The next few hours are going to be lovely. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 355
You deserved it 4 945

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hahaha use kitchen curtains!!!!! Don't you watch Drake and Josh?!?!

keep them on their parents bed and let them go crazy because they were dicks to do that.


Carolina_girl222 0

You could walk. You have legs for a reason.

Put em in the tub ...they can poop and pee to their hearts content ,,, don't let them get out and then just rinse them off when mommy comes home. This is why I do not have Kids..... xo

lmaao i have a baby cousin too and she craps like theres no tmrw;) we're on the same boat:P

I'm glad my cousins arnt that little any more fyl

So leave off the diapers and put them on the potty every hour, good reason to start training them. Or leave them for your aunt to to clean up. . .