Have some empathy

By liz - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, at work, I had toast thrown at me by an old Vietnam vet. Who also happens to have a dead cat in his freezer. I love retirement homes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 086
You deserved it 2 663

Top comments

Wow... They always say,"The mind is the first to go."

maybe that was his way of flirting with you....0_o


The kitty died? Guess he wasn't a very good vet.

I should just bring a little recorder with that sound on it wherever I go.

I pity the fool that has a dead cat in his freezer!

If 'catty' had a slightly different meaning, I could've had a half-decent pun here.

to get him back bring a Asian person to work and see if he freaks out!

da_prince 0

Yeah it's freaking toast get over it. Now if it was the frozen cat then it might actually do some damage. lol

silviam 7

I work in one n I know what u mean.

hey it's ok. they don't have a lot of time left. they're also senile. they can't help it. I got hit by a water bottle by an old lady when I used to work in a nursing home. I just shrugged it off. sorry your job sucks.

thetr00per 0

ha he saved it from Vietnam from getting eaten

Basballplaya16 4

this isn't even a fml you just said you love it so how does this even work no fml for having to read this.

oh god, tell me you are being facetious... please, for the love of god and my own sanity, tell me you are not being serious?