Good girl

By vanessa560 - 03/01/2012 19:44 - Canada

Today, my dog started limping as we were walking home. I thought she'd hurt herself, so I picked her up and carried her home. Once we arrived, I put her down, at which point she ran around and played as if nothing had happened. I fell for my lazy dog's plan to get me to carry her home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 164
You deserved it 8 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That awkward moment when you realize your dog is smarter than you...


ChrisTheCalm 9

That's actually kinda cute. Get a heart people.

lol my dog does this too. It's really very clever.

Sounds like your dog has you trained pretty well!

Awww, how cute! Your life doesn't suck nor did you deserve it. That's a sweet dog and your nice for carrying him/her.(:

AlaskanEskimo34 0
GoW_Chick 14
AlaskanEskimo34 0
Cleo_Nemo_ 9
AlaskanEskimo34 0

First off thank you Cleo_Nemo_. Second, everything in america is lazy, even pets.

Ixi_the_pixie 11

Its like planet of the apes..only we thought they were our best friends not our greatest foe.

sara8419 2

Awww that means your dog has arthritis :/