Good boy

By anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Knoxville

Today, my fiancé threatened to break up with me if our dog couldn't be the best man at our wedding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 116
You deserved it 7 214

Top comments


If that's all it takes to break up then that's not too stable lol. They are the groomsmen for a reason, not the bridesmen... Then again the wedding more often winds up being more about making the bride happy.

daisylokes 16

that's different lol you should agree! i think its a cool idea but let's hope your fiance isn't serious about really breaking it off.... if he is then you know what that to do. goodluck

yeah, but the real question is, who's gonna hold the rings, is the dog trained, and who is going to clean up after the dog?

daisylokes 16

lol the rings can be attached to the dogs collar? the dogs probably already trained though :) and im sure somebody will be there to help out.

I hope you said yes if so can I come I love dogs

I love my dogs and I've actually considered them being a part of my bridal party before. I won't on the other hand be so anal and threaten to end the wedding if my partner disagrees. That's questionable...

ADBurns 22

That sounds like a "Ruff" deal..

i would kindly inform him that if he wants "any" on the honey moon then he should pick someone else or him and his best friend can have as much fun as they want. boo yah

Dillyduzit 23

Sex should not be used as a tool for manipulation.

badmandilon 19

Though I agree with #23, I also think OP's fiancé shouldn't threaten to break up if she don't agree with having a dog as best man. It must be an agreement as many things in marriage.

Wow, he's taking dog is "Man's best friend" way too literally.

alyssacornett 15

my ex boyfriends dad had his dog as the best man...

Make the dog the ring bearer, and have him/her run down the aisle to them.