Golden slumbers

By Monkey - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I woke up to my English bulldog standing over me, getting ready to pee. I didn't move in time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 210
You deserved it 5 630

Top comments

RODEOqueen 0

Awww he wanted to mark his territory! :)

3mi1y_ 16

Take him/her outside next time :)


trumpetGIRL12345 0

Was your blanket/comforter green perchance? Or maybe the dog was getting back at you for not letting him/her out to pee soon enough.

scuttlerno1 0

it's a British Bulldog not an English Bulldog...

No English Bulldog is right. That why their are breeds called Old English Bulldogs as well. I have had both and they were called English(or Old English in Bruno case).

Erh96 0

rain rain go away come your face!!


time to take the dog out back with the shotgun.

chuckinator0 0

he did that to assert his alpha dominance over you. the own should always be the alpha presence. you deserve it.

mine would so do the same thing if I ignored him. let the dog out next time.