Go to jail, donut pass go

By Golden~ - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I found out that the school principal takes all the money from the school fund raisers to buy herself donuts. I'd donated over $100. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 957
You deserved it 5 476

Top comments

I always wondered why schools say they need more money -_-


Egnar 19

This is actually a very serious thing - If it can be proved your principal can be in an a very large amount of trouble, not only with the law but also with the school district and she could find herself out of a job. It's also a pretty dick thing to do considering in most school districts a principal makes a considerable amount of money compared to teachers. I mean, if this is something she said in jest than relax take it easy - But if this is something you are able to show concrete proof of it's something that should be brought up with the PTA/Parents first and possibly a lawyer after. It'd be easy to affirm by looking at the schools book and determining where all this fund raising money was 'supposed to go' and where it isn't going.

This. I'm sure this kind of thi9ng is ILLEGAL :-/

SeaNDouble 1

anyone who had the attention span to read all that deserves a medal

You should've used the money for spelling lessons. I'd = I would.

Jazzalyn 10

Actually I'd can also mean "I had" in which case, it would be correct. (It can also mean "I should"). But on another note...as others have said...if there's a way to prove that the money's been misused then it needs to be reported.

Zombieslayer1 0

Alas it is you who are at fault, OP was saying "I had donated". Why must you all be so picky about the spelling and grammar on this sight? is it because you think it makes you look smart?

JennaMarie420 2

do you mean site? haha sorry I had to do it

Zombieslayer1 0

Lol very funny. It's perfectly fine, I use an IPod and the keyboard is sooo cramped. I guess when I hit a wrong letter the spellcheck jumped to conclusions.

JennaMarie420 2

that's otay I was just being a smartass

"i had" is still incorrect. The correct tense is "I've" as in "i have donated...".

90- Thank god. You're the first person I've seen in a while who didn't say 'should of'

Let her wheezes and waddles of obesity and a shorter lifespan be revenge. that and the fact that she'll probably be fired/sued soon.

Report that. That's not ok. She should be fired for that.

JennaMarie420 2
awardZu 0

It just sucks that OP can't call the cops about it, they're in on it!

Zombieslayer1 0

Next time just donate doughnuts. It saves her the trouble of buying them.

its only an fml cuz you arnt getting any donuts. but neither am i, fml. :(

Not having a donut is always an FML... :( Dammit now I want donuts.

say to her, "give me half or everyone finds out". do the old reversal trickity trick