Go to jail, donut pass go

By Golden~ - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I found out that the school principal takes all the money from the school fund raisers to buy herself donuts. I'd donated over $100. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 958
You deserved it 5 476

Top comments

I always wondered why schools say they need more money -_-


September_fox 2

fraud is delicious! Seriously though, take that bitch to court!

katarina956 0

My principal took our school's money too. He's in jail now

She must be fat then, if she's buying over $100 worth of donuts.

syvlerosseau 0

Isn't that.. Almost illegal? To use funds raised for a school or any other organization for personal use.. I may be wrong but you could bring her to court for that.

How many doughnuts is she going to eat?

Over 100 dollars in doughnuts... Wow

dragoongirl90 34

That is very illegal. Call the cops and get her fat ass arrested!