Fridge fight

By kb. - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out how it feels when a refrigerator door unhinges and falls on your toes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 737
You deserved it 2 498

Top comments

It's just getting you back for years of having nice things taken away from it..

I hope for your sake the door wasn't full.


pippacrawford 4

This made my toes curl in pain. So how many of them broke?

surfnshred 2

Omg! LMAO! I'm sorry, but the imagine in my head is soooooo funny. Sorry that it happened though.

Since refrigerator doors have to be lifted to come off, I'm thinking YDI

bubo_fml 10

Ice it down...Not far to reach!

If it "just fell off" you should've noticed that you needed to replace it.. if you can wiggle it up and down, or if you see rust, you'll know it's "too old for that shit"..

What if it was someone else's refrigerator?

deathspike5 5

That must have been a angry door to attack your toes