Freaked out

By Anonymous - 24/08/2015 19:18 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I was flirting with a cute girl at a club. She seemed into me and said I was hot. I said thanks and grinned. I guess my grin looked psychopathic, because her expression turned to horror, and she quickly excused herself. She was the only girl who's ever shown any interest in me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 556
You deserved it 2 527

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sucks! Don't take it personally though, plenty more girls around! :)


You'll find the right girl one of these days! Don't worry! There are plenty more around! Remember there are almost 7 billion people on the earth and roughly half of them are women. You'll find your girl!

sarcasticjane 27

You are assuming the worst to say you have a psychopathic smile. It's quite possible that she became sick (possible drinking too much if this was an over 21 club or even from the poor air circulations clubs have) or perhaps your smile reminded her of an ex that she was not quite over yet.

Maybe she saw an ex behind you or something. She was likely drunk OP - you don't know why she reacted like that, I'm sure it wasn't your smile. I am sure you are amazing and will find someone :)

Maybe you had something in your teeth. Better yet, maybe your teeth are jacked.

Ninjerman 7

Next time, act shy and look down and away. Girls love it.

jettheawesome 7

Maybe a little practice wouldn't be a bad idea...

Wednesday, is that you? Sorry op, but are you sure you didn't have something between your teeth?