
By micahmatt - 26/08/2009 07:09 - United States

Today, I found out why my 20 year-old girlfriend broke up with me. She was building everything she did to match her favorite TV show. The main character left her boyfriend in the exact way she left me. And the breakup email she sent me contained monologue from the TV show, word for word. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 446
You deserved it 5 049

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maybe it was a good thing she broke up with you.


satanstoystore 0

this is a win. what if the show had the chic get prego and axe murder the bf.

toosoonbreh 0

I hope it wasn't Megan Wants a Millionaire.

halfglassfull 0

Ow.. that makes my head hurt. It sounds like you're better off without her. Hopefully she didn't try to make herself or you over like the characters in the show.

dude this is like a carbon copy of a show that I watched on one of the crime shows. totally fake

heyheyhey3 0

(if this isnt fake): 'FML'? it should be 'thank the lord'.. can you imagine how it would have been if you proposed and later found out she was crazy?

You're lucky you got out when you did.

so if you know that it was from a tv show... what tv show was it from exactly??? :P :) :D and that sucks, im sorry :(

Shiekian 0

I 100% believe this one. Women are crazy. Being one I should know! Don't get me wrong I do think this chick has lost her mind and needs some serious help. But very enrtaining none the less. Sorry to the guy but you got out now rather then later.

dude., you totally dodged a bullet. that chick is psycho. if she hadn't have dumped you she would probably have gone all stabby or something eventually.