Fine, let her catch something

By JackG - 03/03/2010 01:20 - United States

Today, while at McDonald's, I saw an 8 year-old girl licking a life-size Ronald McDonald sitting on a bench. Being concerned, I told her mother, who then yelled at me for 10 minutes for being a "paedophile" and "being turned on by an 8 year-old girl." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 076
You deserved it 3 052

Same thing different taste

Top comments

imdeborah 0

WTF? the girl's mom is deffinitely a dumbass.

darnesey 0

you never know how many other kids licked mcdonald's body. so many germs.


Fminetoo 0

OP, remember this quote when your in jail. "If theres grass on the field, play ball! If not, flip her over and play in the mud!" Just Kidding!

Remember the good old days when every random stranger who acknowledged the existence of a child in their immediate vicinity wasn't a pedophile?

F that little girls life if she finds Ronald lickable. I see a future of pasty white, creepy gingers for her.

seriously? every ones asking if he was a pedo? the kid was getting a colony of germs on her tounge with each lick, I'd be concerned too

This is why I don't bother with other people anymore. If the kid's gonna get sick or hurt by whatever they're doing, that's the parent's fault for not keeping an eye on them. Getting in the way, even out of the goodness of your heart, only gets you yelled at for no god damned reason.

Sad but true. Unless a child is in imminent danger, I stay out of it. It's rare that you will convince someone he/she is not doing a good job raising his/her child so why bother? Arguing with a fool simply makes you look foolish.

Never argue with idiots, they'll bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

you should of just let that girl a disease

Fminetoo 0

After being in a cognative state of mind, i contemplated the situation. It was correct of the original poster to inform the adolesents parent that it would behoove the youngster not to lick statues in a McDonalds. However, in the near, and far future, why not just let Darwanism take its course? It would benefit society...

xundria 5

adolescent* The only reason I'm correcting you is because earlier you stated you search for grammatical errors, or as you stated it "gramatical" errors. Have a nice day! =p

Nobela 0

at least she wasn't licking the life-sized old man from KFC. haha. jk.

Nobela 0

at least she wasn't licking the life-sized old man from KFC. haha. jk.

elementomega 0