Fight Club

By CurseYouSonyaLee - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Midlothian

Today, I got into a fight with my brother that somehow ended with him breaking my toe with a Fisher-Price airplane. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 760
You deserved it 5 639

Top comments

I guess that's why those toys are for children 5 and up.


That's the Price you pay when you go Fishing for an argument.

astralvagan 20
perdix 29

I'm imagining two 40-something losers living in their mom's basement and would be virgins if not for the ****** purchased for them by their mom who is sick and tired of cleaning the walls after these man-children spooge on them. How close am I to the truth?

God that would suck especially when I'm carrying twins!

Seine_liebe93 7

Atleast it wasn't a lego. Haha