Fake it til you make it

By iamrose - 13/06/2009 05:16 - United States

Today, as I was rehearsing a kissing scene for a play, I realized that before this play, the last guy I had kissed was the same one I was kissing now. It was also for a play. Four and a half years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 961
You deserved it 5 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you should take it as a sign that you're meant to be?

That's unfortunate, but a little bit cute!


if you're getting romantic roles in plays..you must be somewhat pretty, at least decently..so whats your deal?

I'm sure something will come up for you in the near future--especially if you continue doing theatre! There are some amazing, unique guys in theatre that you won't find anywhere else, but just choose carefully...trust me. Stage kisses are the best, so enjoy them! (I'm curious to know what play you were doing and what role you had...and if he was a good kisser! Haha!)

#31 - And I'm really sorry to be quoting the Kvlt of Scientology, but something /can/ be done about it. Being proactive, believing in yourself, caring about others, whatever. Not to suggest you're not doing any of those, but if something like that's lacking, it could be a place to start. Nor am I am expert, but what the hell.

ziqi92 0

i'm so sorry, but i thought stage kisses were the sweetest! especially if ur playing romeo and juliet!

yea for real, no one cares if you can't get a significant other.. this is not an FML more like get a life.

#40. I have arms and a mother. I was talking about unrelated people. And just out of curiousity, how could I have typed that message if I didn't have any arms? Just wondering what your logic was.

unfortunatly i have the same problem, i've only ever kiss 2 girls in my life and they were both for a play :(... im 19, FML

damn, high school musical all over again. LOL

heatherrrx 0

Well, depending on how old you are, this isn't so bad. Could be a lot worse at least. Don't worry about it, your time will come. :P

wallythedolly 0

#46 your inability to detect sarcasm is probably related to the reason why no girl wants to hug you.