
By Czechplease - 03/11/2011 14:23 - United States

Today, my mom told my girlfriend an embarrassing story about me, along the lines of whenever my parents would take me school clothes shopping, I'd cry because I hated all the choices they gave me. The most recent incident of this? Last year. I'm 18. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 174
You deserved it 33 900

Same thing different taste

Top comments

crackz12 10

Be thankful your parents buy you clothes. I spent my childhood naked.


SkardeyKat 3

Wow, you need to grow up. Now you're probably gonna cry because your girlfriend dumped you because she realized what a baby she was dating. Do your parents still cut your meat for you, too?

Mom: *Holds up meat* Here comes the train!

Torva_fml 16

You seriously cried? Grow up your 18.... Go shopping yourself.

perdix 29

I wonder if your girlfriend wil stick around long enough to hear the hilarious bed-wetting story ... from last week.

I'm trying to convince myself that the story OP's mother told his girlfriend is fictional. It's the only thing keeping me from revoking his Man Card.

FYLDeep 25

I thought you were a doctor. Can't you spot an obvious case of male vaginitis when you see one?

flockz 19

No need to worry Doc, I don't think OP had a man card to begin with.

I'm surprised you didn't prescribe him a large dose of man the **** up.

you're a guy... we don't care about our clothes choices.

Llama_Face89 33

Grab jeans and a t shirt and if they're not too rank throw em on. Begin your day.

Torva_fml 16

Well 44, that's gross.... I prefer to look, and smell somewhat respectable when Im in the presence of others, and I imagine most people agree with me.

every1luvsboners 11

You cried because of all the choices? I wonder what you would do at a buffet. Probably have a damn panic attack.

Heebles 2

Hmph, your own dang fault. Be grateful of what you have and this wouldn't had happend.

effarve 2

then maybe you should quit being a little bitch.

peepeeparee 0

Pretty sure like 7 people already beat you to it. Fucktard. :)

Sounds like you got a case of being a lil b*tch. My diagnose.... A can of man.