Double standards

By onlywantuanyway - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff

Today, my boyfriend again told me how he wants to have an open relationship. Of course, this means he can do what he likes with anyone, but if I so much as kiss someone else, I'm a cheating slut. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 132
You deserved it 8 516


Kick him to the curb and show him what he's missing. Do it with class, keep your dignity and self respect and you'll always come out on top

Leave him. You don't need him. Better off without him.

omgsorry8676 6
kittycat2007 18

this has become the new standard when a guy doesnt want to be alone but doesnt want the relationship anymore. it basically lets him shop for a new chick while having someone to warm his bed. dump him and move on OP.

middlenamefrank 8

Well, you never get what you don't ask for, after all. Then again, there's not a single reason you should feel obligated to agree with him.

**** open relationships I truly believe you cheat once I'll forgive you you cheat twice get your shit and get out also **** double standards and all that shit that for some reason only bites one gender at a time

NiceGuysDoWin 21

If both people are in agreement as to the rules they set for themselves, it isn't cheating. In this case, OP's boyfriend is a douche, but for many people, open relationships work well.

that's not an open relationship that's your bf being a sexist dick. please dumped him now

You should video yourself riding his bestfriend.

My advice is dump him. While there's nothing wrong with an open relationship it should be a fair one.