Don't mind me

By Anonymous - 16/04/2012 12:38 - United States - West Palm Beach

Today, I watched as my neighbor walked to my front lawn, looked me right in the eye, and pissed on my mailbox. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 004
You deserved it 3 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zingline89 18
mduffy08 8


Have him charged with public indecency.

alexk92 6

Anyone else wandering if he is talking about a dog.....?

In soviet Russia mailbox piss on you

Did you anger him somehow? Damn. Then again, some people are just straight up assholes like that. Listen to the track "Mutherfucker" by Beck from his 1994 album Mellow Gold, hopefully it will make you feel better about the situation and bring a smile to your face.

and the whole time, you watched like a wimp

damianf60 7