Did I mention…?

By ksztte - 27/02/2010 13:17 - United States

Today, the soon-to-be father of my baby told me he thinks I'm an extremely selfish person, and that I don't love him. His reasoning? I haven't given him a back rub in two weeks, sleep too much, and have a hormonal problem. Once again: I AM PREGNANT! FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 096
You deserved it 5 868

Same thing different taste

Top comments

noobgang7 5

wow.. new hubby time... Hope you enjoy your bundle of joy

If he thinks you are being selfish now, you are going to seem like Hitler once that baby slithers out of your ******.


My boyfriend says I don't have the right to be a "bitch" when I'm on my period. He says, "just because you're bleeding doesn't mean you can bitch and moan about everything." All I did was ask him to put on jeans to outback instead of shorts..

Sounds like your hubby has a bad case of sympathetic hormones lol! It's a real medical condition, look it up:) Congrats on the baby, btw!

yeah I think the all caps at the end there confirm the validity of your FML

i can sympathize with him IF (and only if) you're being unnecessarily excessive about being pregnant. there are worse things in life than being pregnant... i really don't like people that milk it for all it's worth. it isn't a free pass to be a total bitchzilla and get treated as royalty for more than half a year.

YDI for either: 1) Having a baby with a man who you don't know well enough to predict whether or not he'd be this selfish or 2) whining about him behaving this way if you decided to have a baby with him whilst knowing he was a selfish a**hole. Granted, I agree with your basic statements that he's an insensitive prick, but you were the one to decide to have his baby.

menRstupid 0

Men will never know what it is like to have a period, or have a child, because they cant.. They cant possibly know what our bodies go through during these times in our lives.. They should be thankful that we havent wiped them out of population during our moments of rage during childbirth and our periods. Plain and simple if you dont treat your woman right and be understanding, eventually she will get tired of your shit and leave you.. It always happens, so if you keep your attitude then rest assured you will be alone paying childsupport.. LOL

Scorpio1989 0

I lol'd so hard at this comment. Win!

*headdesk* and you are why men act the way they do... thinking all women are entitled and use it as an excuse.

i probably would of punched him in his face

Ninib000 0

This is why people should think long and hard about who they have babies with.

hachuchu778 0