
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff

Today, I found out that if a cop asks you if you have any weapons, and you reply by saying, "Only these guns!" while flexing your biceps, they won't take it very well. Neither will the cops down at the station. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 065
You deserved it 51 050


No duh ydi these guys risk their lives every day and you say something that could possibly mean they are in danger and at very least make it so they don't know if your kidding or not so anyway why would you even say that?

I feel like this sentence would benefit from a little punctuation.

MKerr95 0

Obviously he was making a joke. You just have to have a sense of humor. He picked the wrong cop

ohsheet 8

HAHAHAHAA I literally laughed out loud when I read this!

gabrielbaby 9

So the term lol works wonders here.

clsgators 5

If I was the cop I would have said " Looks like you're out of ammo "

jonan1212 5

18- when somebody tells a joke? Duh Cops are people, too.

38- I don't know if you're trying to "trollolloll" me or if you're just stupid, but what the **** are you trying to say?

I'm trying to say that cops are people,too, and people laugh. Now take that shoe that you were talking about it shove it up your ass. Yes, cops risk their lives for my safety, but that doesn't mean they can't laugh at a joke.

I grew up right next to you in Fort Lauderdale. And again, cops are people, too. They're not robots that just go around like zombies. They actually have emotions and shit.

Throwing a homie in instantly gives you more street cred. Also, it negates any weight behind your argument.

Coming from a cop, Jumber is wrong. While they put their lives on the line, they/I always enjoy a good joke when appropriate. A job as a cop without humor would be hell...

I don't understand your logic at all, honestly. People in Hollywood are referred to as "homie" or "buddy"? Also, not to toot my own awful-town-horn, my city has one of the highest murder rates,so I get shitty locations. Doesn't mean you can't laugh at a joke.

Your argument was that people should never joke with cops. I stated that it needs to be an appropriate time... It was obviously not appropriate at the time.

#113, Fort Lauderdale is in Florida idiot

Uhh... There are multiple Hollywood's as with just about every other town.

RobT - why don't you stick your nose where it doesn't belong and make yourself look completely idiotic...oh wait, you already did! Nevermind.

Oh yea it's like everyone's an MC from Detroit. -__-

cicpjaky 6

Shoulda used the k.i.s.s. Method

And this is why you don't act like a tit.

You tosser. It may seem funny but it isnt

perdix 29

You watch too much "Mike & Molly" because you think there is such a thing as a cop that likes to joke around with suspects. The good news is that your cell mates will enjoy your hot body when they are anally raping you -- sleep tight, ... and wake up all stretched out;)