Demon child

By Anonymous - 17/08/2021 00:01

Today, my daughter threw my stepson down the stairs. When I asked what the hell was going on, she claimed she was just demonstrating her willingness to seriously injure him the next time she catches him in her underwear drawer or in her room at all. I’m not sure which direction to parent in here. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 473
You deserved it 158

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

BOTH. Son, you never EVER violate your stepsister or any other girl/woman like that! It’s extremely disrespectful, a severe invasion of privacy, and it’s literally ******* creepy. It’s entirely inappropriate and you should never, ever do it again. Now hand over your X-Box until the lesson sinks in. Daughter, in situations like this, you come to an adult to talk it out and WE will determine the punishment! Throwing someone down the stairs is completely unacceptable with the exception of if you are in immediate extreme danger and need to protect yourself. You could have severely injured or killed him! Does that seem like a proportional reaction?! Now hand over your phone while you think that over.

Okay both are in the wrong (mostly the creepy ass stepson...). The son is acting like a creep sniffing about the sister's underwear but to try to end his life is a REAL excessive way to combat it. They need to sit down and have a serious talk with an adult before one becomes a sexual deviant and the other becomes a murderer. Act fast ASAP!


Marlon16 6

"WhIcH oNe Is WrOnG?" Your sick ass son. I know your biased because you didn't give birth to him but you need to reasses the situation and look at the bigger picture. If he's being inappropriate with HIS OWN GODDAMN SISTER to the point where she felt the only rebuttal to him invading her privacy and making her feel uncomfortable was to push him down the stairs. What is he doing to other girls when your not watching and what has he done to her prior to this altercation? The severity of her response implies that this is nowhere near the first time he's done something like this. Make him understand that sexually harassing his sister or anyone else for that matter is WRONG and apologize to her for everything she has dealt with up to that point that you nor your partner had caught onto until now.

Marlon16 6

My bad missed A sentence when I posted my comment good looking out.

I have to wonder if this is the extent of what is going on, or if there's some type of sexual aggression going on here. The son may need treatment to keep him from becoming an adult sex offender.

If you discipline your daughter, you're going to teach her that she can't fight back when someone pervs on her, and yes, it WILL happen again--men use being pervs as weapons to terrorize women 'for fun', and yes, it happens to ALL WOMEN. You definitely need to figure out what's wrong with your stepson, though, because that's wildly inappropriate and developmentally strange as hell.