Culture wars

By j1hill33 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my dad told my little brother that Tokyo is in China. This is the same guy who yells at me every time I get a "B" on a report card. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 620
You deserved it 2 426

Top comments

ryanst 7

Just like how the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Roman Empire took place in Sydney, Australia.

takeapieandrun 9

Welcome to the life of a son/daughter.


ramboman19 8
ryanst 7

Just like how the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Roman Empire took place in Sydney, Australia.

cc_the_beast 6

Yeah that totally happened. I was there in 1837.

ryanst 7

I could've sworn it was in 1492.. Looks like I'll be meeting OP's dad in World History and Geography.

Don't be silly! We all know pearl harbor is in Atlantis.

cc_the_beast 6

Search YouTube for 'big pond advertisement'. This FML reminds me of this ad, it's worth it I promise!

1837? 1492? I could have sworn it was in.... Ahhh, now I get it. Can someone please send me the damn memos! I just feel so left out! :'-(

I can confirm it was in Atlantis. I was there last winter 8D!

I thought that was during the civil war of 1812 in Germany...

cc_the_beast 6

It in fact happened in all of these times and places.

maybe ur old man needs abit of education in geography....

jackiemoonthepro 5

my parents are the same, but your dad seems dumber

JennaMason 6

The next time you get a B and he gets angry, remind him of what he said and then show him the world map.

capothegee 0

you should put him on time out.

1215116a 14

5 you get a C for spelling the word 'Damn' as 'Dam'.