Cool moves dude

By rojin12 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I tried to close my desk drawer by hitting it with my hip, like they do in the movies. Everything on my desk fell off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 282
You deserved it 32 604

Top comments

Captain0bv10us 0

movie things never happen in real life


Like they do in the movies? Lmao. Yeah cuz nobody's ever tried that shit in real life before.

What kind of boring movies are you watching, anyway?

mbrooks5110 0

Lol Sounds like you body checked your desk. hope nothing got broken!

cherry72 13

This is not an FML. Can't believe it made past the mods SMH.

What about that thousand dollar laptop? Oh wait, that's right, it was just paper.

godofcyanide 8

I used to drive a minivan. One day, after a shopping trip, I grabbed my bags from the side door. With my hands full (and the door not fully open), I used my foot to push the door closed. The door slid and fell straight off the track. I deserved it then. YDI now.

samikitty961 8

anything that's "like they do in the movies" probably is not going to work very well in reality.