Common myth

By Anonymous - 01/04/2014 06:06 - United States - Eugene

Today, my girlfriend and I were snuggling and we placed our hands together, palm to palm. I can bend the tips of my fingers over hers, which apparently surprised her because she commented, "Huh, so big hands AREN'T related to penis size." FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 765
You deserved it 7 949

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've got to hand it to her, that was kind of funny.

bobo_the_bear 5

Ouch. However big hands can be an asset in the bedroom if you use them right.


juarezj96 12

Ouch. That's all I can say. Real girlfriends don't mention penis size. Just saying

Other than "you're too big for me", you don't need to say anything :)

Wow sorry OP. Make a joke about her boobs or something. She's not perfect either!

Doesn't matter. Only the lower fifth of the ****** has the sensitivity to reach the ******. The other 4 fifths are sort of just there

Okay, you are right. Not the only part of the ****** to reach ****** but is supplied by different types of nerves (not wanting to get in much detail) and it makes it the only part sensitive to touch and temperature. But you can consider the lower third as the main sensitive site. Anyway, it's how you use it

At least she's got a big mouth. Or maybe not, if she's right with the measurements.

rbalboa76 5

I think she was just yanking your chain when she said that.

I always thought it was big feet, not big hands. Go figure.